
Constitutional Lawyer

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Constitutional Lawyer

Who is a constitutional lawyer?

A constitutional lawyer is an attorney who specializes in the laws and rules outlined in state and federal constitutions. These lawyers practice constitutional law, which is a broad field focused on the meaning and limitations of state or federal laws. They typically handle cases involving the interpretation or implementation of constitutional laws, such as the separation of powers. These lawyers may go to court to seek clarification on the meaning of the U.S. Constitution, challenge the constitutionality of legislation or advocate for a client's constitutional rights, such as the freedom of speech.

What does a constitutional lawyer do?

A constitutional lawyer uses the laws of state and federal constitutions to represent their clients, such as an individual who believes another person violated their constitutional rights. These lawyers often argue their cases in federal courts, and some cases may make it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Constitutional lawyers typically have many job responsibilities, which may include:

  • Advise clients on matters related to constitutional law
  • Interview clients and other parties to understand their perspectives
  • Research relevant cases to find similarities and legal precedents
  • Interpret constitutional laws and rulings for their clients
  • File briefs and other paperwork before court hearings
  • Defend the constitutional rights of their clients in court
  • Present arguments in constitutional cases before jury members and judges

  • Constitutional Lawyer
  • Constitutional Lawyer